Well-Being is an exclusive online resource providing psycho-social support, counseling, and educational material for those experiencing pain and suffering from illness, sudden loss of health, or are having to face death & dying issues. Services are designed to remove barriers to connecting with others in similar situations, to provide practical information and to address relationship issues.
Atul Guwande proclaims in his book Being Mortal “If to be human is to be limited, then the role of caring professions and institutions ought to be aiding people in their struggle with those limits.” This site seeks to assist clients who face challenges given their unique limitations. We use a strength-based assessment approach that empowers clients and encourages them to consider applying their previously effective coping skills when confronting major illness and/or transitions.
Resources and psycho-educational material on this website assist clients to adapt to change, overcome limitation, and better manage their pain and suffering. Self-awareness techniques and mindfulness resources are also available as they can help clients stay centered when tackling difficult periods in their lives. A client’s willingness to engage in a process, unique yet partly universal, with an openness to understanding experiences differently can often bring relief and a sense of well-being.
Another primary function of this site is to remove barriers that keep patients, caregivers, and loved ones feeling isolated and disenfranchised. Sharing one’s challenges with others facing similar issues can be a powerful source of healing. Knowing one is not alone, gaining insight from another’s perspective, and receiving practical information on effective ways to confront illness and treatment can bring immense relief.
This website can also facilitate how we view events and interpret our experiences. The term Quality of Life (QoL) is introduced and defined in a manner that can help us accept difficult circumstances while still gaining some peace of mind, even during major loss. Many provided audio/visual and article links under ‘Resources’ > Well-Being> Selected Articles and Media section and under ‘Musings’ help remind us there is something more, and/or help us see another way to experience our lives and connection to others.
A willingness to be open to reframing and/or re-prioritizing our beliefs, assumptions, and expectations can be helpful. Thus, alternative ways to consider interpreting events are sometimes introduced into discussion and counseling sessions. Seeing our life under a slightly repositioned lens with respect to personal circumstances can open realms of possibility to maintain or even enhance our well-being in the wake of serious illness, treatment side effects, and death & dying.