Well-Being Services offers professional online supportive guidance, therapeutic counseling, psycho-education, and resources associated with enhancing well-being. Michael is a facilitator, educator, and licensed Marriage and Family Therapist through the California State Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS).
He has studied philosophical, psychological, and spiritual matters comprehensively. He applies universal concepts effectively working with patients, caregivers, and loved ones. Michael has developed a keen understanding of human vulnerabilities from his life experiences. Through spiritual and meditative practice, international travel, and identification with his heritage he has acquired a deep appreciation and respect for cultural differences and lifestyle preferences.
Michael’s primary professional concentration is working with clients facing limiting or chronic illness, caregiving responsibilities, end of life issues, and/or death. Patients, caregivers, or as loved ones of patients, we face health related challenges. Michael applies his knowledge and expertise within the areas of anxiety and/or depression, dealing with all forms of major loss, adjusting to a ‘new normal’, finding meaning in a difficult experience, personal growth, and connecting with ‘something more’.
Our relationships, past or present, influence how we experience as well as respond and react to major life events. Michael maintains an intention and focus for providing support and guidance to address difficulties in relationship, especially when confronting situations and potential outcomes that are beyond our ability to control or change…click here