Advance Care Planning & End-of-Life Guidance
Advance Care Planning (ACP) with respect to preparing for possible health care related issues is something everyone should consider ideally before a major health crisis is upon them. An accident or disease diagnosis can happen at any point in life. This is why we suggest that even the young and healthy should think through their possible medical intervention options, have conversations with loved ones, then document their wishes. Advance care planning is appropriate along the entire continuum of the human life cycle and not simply at the far end when death is on the horizon. …learn more click [here]
ACP guidance is provided through a holistic lens or mind-body-being perspective. Presenting patient, caregiving, and/or relationship issues are assessed within a situational context. This means the challenges a client is facing are seen as influencing their mood and actions/reactions. The primary focus and goal of service is supportive. No attempt is made to try and ‘analyze’ underlying behavior or past influences on present struggles or relationship dynamics unless the client requests this. All effort is geared towards improving well-being and enhancing QoL in the moment, for the duration of the struggle, and beyond.
Caregiving & Self-Care
Having an opportunity to care for another person is among the most meaningful experiences in life. Providing comfort and being present to a loved one’s needs is one of the most precious gifts that can be given. Caregiving can drain us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually though. Unending tasks, questions, and concerns arise day in and day out. For a long term caregiver, dealing with the unknown as well as the ‘how long?’ is very draining and difficult to hold.
Common psychological challenges that come up are associated with:
- Displaced empathy
- Boundary setting
- Communication
- Companioning
- Self-concept
- Self-care
- Guilt
Services offered include peer support, individual, couple, and family counseling, and resources that address both practical needs as well as psychological well-being.
Chronic and/or Life Altering Patient Centered Support
There can be many side effects to living with a life altering disease or chronic illness. These often include feeling lonely, depleted, isolated, invalidated, frustrated, angry, and not in control. Hopes and expectations sometimes have a long and painful death. Dreams are hard to let go of and the letting go can be scary because believing in future possibilities can provide present time comfort.
How It Works
If you are interested in receiving counseling services click [here] to learn more. You will receive a reminder email 24 hours before any scheduled appointment, meeting, or event along with a google meet link if you wish to engage online.
For information on workshops, special events, and social gatherings click [here].