Psycho-Spiritual Inquiry – the struggle within
LET US NOT FORGET – Here is Not our HOME
There are some who by their words and deeds would try to make us believe otherwise (Hollywood Energy and the stars). Let us not forget this is not home, let us try to make it as comfortable as possible, so long as we do not forget in our comfort and ease those still in struggle and limitation and help them too be reminded this is not home. Let us meet in borderland and embrace with stories of trials and tribulations the limitation overcome and succumbed, the despair as ephemeral and joy eternal over as we remember our true self and embrace our origin and home
the movie Freaks (1932) use music, the death of Stephen, prisoner of your mind, the 18 year old boy.
Create commentary and Prezi PowerPoint to enhance with music and video like Soul Perspective
- Why I write (from ripe fruit)
- Poems my two or three
- Video Nahela
- Photos Erika and Vanessa
- Coast Guard
- Home building
- Soul perspective
- Mental health challenges
- Gelastic seizures
- The restaurant
- Trip to Cyprus
- Magical childhood Pacifica
- Caregiving
- Career change
- Pets, cats
- Parenting
- Crystals
- Travel
- Greatest teachers cancer and hospic
(content to come…) mysticism, transcendence, blending logic with intuition, commingling realities, mental health and insanity
Exploring Meaning and Purpose
- The cost of dying in America 60 minutes
- put in a Prezi of the health crises in America with videos from the past
- discuss tension between ‘Is’ and ‘Ought’ and how it creates contradiction, suffering, and confusion as the gap between them is widened and there is awareness of the disparity between the two. Defenses are used to minimize contradiction resulting and blind to the gap
Freud – “Love and Work are the Cornerstones of Our Humanness” We mainly find ourselves in Love and Work. We remember ( are reminded) of our essential divine nature through humor and music.
Humor and Music are where we find our divine nature
Driving with Nahela – music
Dancing with Nahela – music
Nancy N – science writer
Kant + I feel Love – reading the critique for 30 min, then listening to the music, or imagine Kant playing this song in between writing the Critique, or imagine, like with Jim Florey, Kant married with children. or dating listening to Tom Jones – She’s a lady
Schopenhauer –
do the twist after reading some heavy cognitive material to list click [here]
Entering the Stronghold – a metaphoric theme representing one express form inspiring empowerment, creative force, and determination helpful when embarking on end-of-life and advance care discussions.
Yalom on existential and another on death&dying
Positive disintegration and the video
I AM I SAID – for existential discourse
Chernobyl with dance song
Enya Prezi (mix of Enya and other videos) up to 1
Sail Away + Planet, space engine, Everest, planet orbit, 4 or 5 x piano
Enya – music
Enya songs
Wild Child
Real Life Fottage of Born Free, mix with child hood movies, Mary Popins, Junglebook, Born Free, Thourghli moder mill, My fair lady, sound of music
Seekers – I’ll Never Find Another You
Prezi on the sensual – stockings, benny hill, music french
place in the sensual section the candid camera scene
enya and orion
Loreena McKennitt – murmuers – from book of secrets album – Dad 1997
Lreena McKennitt from the Mask and mirror – The Mystic’s Dream
Loreena McKennitt – night ride across the Caucasus – contact the creator Demeter Doudousaki
Flipper and music
movie themes
T.V. show theme following music from outer space
the power and possiblities of using humor to help shift perceptions to align with perspective and intention. The Elephant man and the ending,
Take information from
Projection PPT – Elephant man, etc, katy Byron, what do I know
Take information from Titans and emphasize the race issue – still ongoing, shame has locked in the perceptions
Create a structure for viewing the list of multimedia – via decade, or alphabetized, explore random generation or compiling a playlist on the web to suit the mood of the moment.
facing legacy – the ‘me generation’ becomes the we generation, the most self-centered and entitled generation in the history of the world to leave a legacy of compassion, health narcissism, self reflection, meditation, meaning, care as the anchor to any meaningful philosophy. not just in word – armchair care, but in deed, use rolo may comments, Kierkegaard, Heidelberg, Yalom, frankle, human potential movement, holistic thinking, transpersonal psychology, integral psychology, existential /humanistic psychology, altered states of mind, sexual expression,
This Guy’s (sky) is in love with you.
- Greek music
- Japanese
- Stars
- Touching Beauty
- Sailing
- Mountains
- We May Never Pass this way again
- Rumi
- Wonderful World
- Grief Social
- Grief Existential
- Forest Gump – feather
- Letting go – with poem by milisa true
- Affirmations – with fall leaves
- Dawning with John of God
- Lao Tuz poem with dawning
- Developmental
rumi PPT redo the music
Intouchable music scene – contrast classic with earth wind and fire, and Drise interpretation of classical music (comedy commentary on
Another scene with the opera
fun at counseilin, bob newhart, something about mary, what about bob, rodney and the comedian, Saturday night live, savages, we are not in therapy, this is real life.
Wonderful World, Sailing, Japanese, Stars, Touching Beauty
The Substitute Teacher
Musings-Personal = Facing Legacy
Add – 40 to 50 songs/music from French, Greek, Spanish/Latin
Add 40-50 Alternative music off same albums from the front
Prezi – Kierkegaard, meaning, purpose, happiness, video of black man ‘I have a dream, no the dream had MLK’, Sam Harris, Positive disintegration video, the Is / Ought gap
Prezi – the relativistic moral, new optimism, TED talk video, paucity of thought, rose colored spectacles,
San Francisco Scott McKinze
Apostolos Angelis – Hologram Epic Space Music 3D fractal
Create 3 powerpoints 1 -125 sec, 125 (2:05 to ) then another
for altered states , stimulation of imagination, pictureless perceptions formless
Both Sides Now
Son of the Light – for space travel, mountains
Get the Scene with the Cop – place block over magazine photos
Contrast – the Tsar Hydrogen bomb to Enya music, or some such contradiction of beauty and destruction.
From Lazaris – Ending Shame Series C. 1998 engaged
Jungle Book Bare Necessities
Beatles live Revolution
sensual, benney hill, johnny carson and dorrs day, the french in the swing, love song from french man with orgasam,
Candid Camera, the beautiful people high school, the bank line, the children at christmas
Good Vibration lost studio footage….zoom in from time warp portal outer space
New Age with Izzos, Aeoliah Yanni, and Cat Stevens, Michale George, and the two Reuso and the greek composer from chariots of fire, bousoki sound music and song music, never on sunday, vickie leandros, her father, the songs from the 1960’s, english greek cypriot baby boomers, vangelis,
Back to School The Dylan Poem do not go gentle into that good night. Create AVI from the software using these limits. It is better sound quality.
As Alexander Pope affirms in his Essay on Man:
- Plac’d on this isthmus of a middle state,
- A being darkly wise, and rudely great:
- With too much knowledge for the Sceptic side,
- With too much weakness for the Stoic’s pride,
- He hangs between; in doubt to act, or rest,
- In doubt to deem himself a God, or Beast;
- In doubt his Mind or Body to prefer,
- Born but to die, and reas’ning but to err;
- Alike in ignorance, his reason such,
- Whether he thinks too little, or too much:
- Chaos of Thought and Passion, all confus’d;
- Still by himself, abus’d, or disabus’d;
- Created half to rise, and half to fall;
- Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all;
- Sole judge of Truth, in endless Error hurl’d:
- The glory, jest, and riddle of the world!
- To perceive and conceive
- To imagine
- To know, to think
- To feel-passion and compassion
- To give and receive
- To heal self and others
- To want-need prefer-choice
Mary in the Morning -Glen Cambel
San Francisco Scott Mchkinze
Fate is that which you cannot change. Destiny is that which you’re meant to do. While fate is what happens when you don’t take responsibility for your life, destiny is what happens when you commit to growing, learning, and taking chances. Being “destined for greatness” only comes through active and conscious decisions.
Magical Memory Cyprus – Poems and Lunes from London and Famagusta
Stephen Cope on ‘the identity project’
Hauser – Nessun Dorma
Hauser – Adiago for strings – Barber
Cognitive Dissonance – contradictory behavior. between behavior and knowing, smoking though you know it can give you cancer.
Frank Slate (Scent of A Woman) Dinner Scene, then to Silver Wings with Cecila after centering meditation – to show the contrast of life, the metaphor of pain and suffering, and redemption, through aspiring to something more, the divine within, the circular and infinite through the eternal, archetype and changeless in a sea of impermanence. Allude to ACIM – what is created is changeless, what is made is impermanent and of the ego miscreating mind.
- Get Smart 1
- Get Smart 2
- Get Smart 3
- Get Smart 4
- Get Smart 5
- Get Smart 6
- Get Smart 7
- Get Smart 8
- Get Smart 9
- Get Smart 10
- Get Smart 11
- Get Smart 12
- Get Smart 13
- Get Smart 14
- Get Smart 15
- Get Smart 16
- Get Smart 17
Aphrodite’s Child Demis Roussos and Vangelis I want to live It’s five O Clock
- Happiness is only real when shared. Happiness is a byproduct of meaning. Happiness is not Joy, tease the two apart, like grateful and gratitude, like meaning and purpose. Happiness when shared is Joy.
performative contradiction – I am dead, non sequitur,
I still haven’t found what I am looking for – The Ego’s motto seek but never find
the fractal videos x 2, the fighter jet, zootopia, lion falling asleep, elephant in room, New Fractal, Jaws, 2001 space, pink panther
Apollo Landing
Space Shuttle Taking off
Americas Century – Our Time 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s
- interview
- hire with job tasks
- playing in the snow
- racing the car
- in the museum with painting mms
- telling off kid
- in the oprea
- birthday part classical and dance
- ending scene
- cutting mustache scene
- in the restaurant early morning scene
- hang gliding scene
Before globalization diluted the salient cultural distinctions – preze of greek music and mood, film never on Sunday and dancing i the village; prezi of Europeans songs, emphasis on french, greek bouzouki sounds, prezi on latin music prezi on sensuality, prezi on humor, prezi on not so politically correct (it is the intention; i.e., reasons for using, that makes for maliciousness not content)
Quality of Relationship to Self
Sample ppt’s the star of david
Jennifer Jupider Donavan
Fairy Ring – Mike Rowland
Tribute to my English and Cypriot Heritage (Benny Hill)
Mary In the Morning
San Francisco Nights, San Francisco Scott McKinse + a poem of my childhood, This sky in love with you.
Page European songs
The Sky is in Love with YOU, Cyprus Kerenya day 1, London the park and tube and train the history 20 years ago
The movie the sun with
Create Prezi with Nahela and music to 2.3 minutes of Forest Gump opening …float in rotate slightly and fade to next float in video without sound and photos
The Countess from Hong Kong + french version of this is My song from Petula Clark
Looks whose coming to dinner the last spencer trace with sidnye potier
Benny Hill with interview
The Rock Hudson, Doris Day Tony Randle and James Garner spoofs romantic comedy
The Incredible Mr Limbid, Mr Chicken, Tony Randel and Mr Fakara (the gene in the bottle)
The Odd Couple, Mary Tyler Moore Show,
Sci fi One step beyond, Outer Limits, Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, Star Trek
I dream of Jeane, That Girl, Bewitched, Gilligans Island, Lost In Space, bugs bunny road runner hour, pink panther.
the beyondness of things – John Barry
Don’t Let Me Down – Beatles last (?) live performance
foreign movies, under the same moon, never on sunday, the greek dance song, a better life, ending to without instructions
Jack LaLane
Nadie Commonice
TV from the sixties – Dick Van Dyke Show
steppenwolf -magic carpet
rosemary swinging
- Scent of a Woman | “I’ll Show You Out of Order!”
- Forest Gump Ending Scene
- The Doctor
- The Intouchables
straight of Gibralter to mercy combine
You wish and call for sex scene as part of prezi with sexual, include benny hill
fly through the universs
born to be wild
Louis Tucker – Only for you, Midnight Blue
these boots are made
Schopenhauer on laughter listed below and A sense of humor is the only divine quality of man’
“The cause of laughter in every case is simply the sudden perception of the incongruity between a concept and the real objects which have been thought through it in some relation, and laughter itself is just the expression of this incongruity…. All laughter then is occasioned by a paradox…. This, briefly stated, is the true explanation of the ludicrous.”
Burney falls, poem with waterfall fade to photo then to meditation
Benny Hill x 3 with nylons – fly through space to park, then in hospital, then as accountant
bring in the french song with suspenders in ferrus wheel
Two Steps from Hell – Heart of Courage
Two Steps from Hell – Protectors of the Earth
the sun and moon videos
the contrast / contradiction videos
Existental stuff – positive disintegration
ACIM stuff.
Powerful movies – The Doctor, Intouchables, Little Miss Sunshine, Shadowlands, Rudy, Ground Hog Day, Something About Mary, When Harry Met Sally, Heart and Soul, Rudy
Commentatries, New Optomism, Mental Health, Meaning/caring/happines/purpose
(content to come…) – contradiction, conflict, holding the tension of opposites, Rilke, Jung, Frankl, freedom and the ‘ought’ principle + kant + theory
based on the dynamic relationship between polarities (Yin and Yang) tai chi – tension emotional cognitive tension experienced in relationships, to the degree we are present to witness the dynamic (just show up) is the spiritual practice. The gradual process of forgiveness and acceptance is not through overcoming through struggle and will power the disowned parts of ourself; the parts of us we do not love. Rather it is through yielding to the experience of the relationship trusting that a higher power will provide us with opportunity to forgive through the holy instant and relationship as evidenced by the reduction in intra psychic tension when engaged in healthy (holy) relating with others, and the surrounding environment. In this manner, healing occurs synergistically where all relating parties involved receive the benefit of attornment/forgiveness, the undoing of separation. These videos are in service of humor/lightness and shining the light on the contradictions within and without.
- Vicky Leandors – Apres Toi – Eurovision
- Mocedades – Eres Tu – Eurovision
- Gigliola Cinquetti – Non Ho L’Eta
humor as a way to manage change,
change can lead to disruption of belief systems and cause suffering to the degree unable to let go, or even aware that we are holding onto outmoded ways of thinking, that did not serve our needs and is inhibiting our change
Intouchables –
- Dance Scene,
- Opera Scene,
- M&M scene,
- Interview Scene,
- Intimate Scene with walking
- , Car Chase Scene,
- Ending in Restaurant,
- Cutting the Musthash off scene
add quotes from sandberg, grief& loss, soul perspect, various notes